Wordt het klassieke schoolsysteem binnenkort buitenspel gezet?

Written by Lizzy Van Lysebeth 

De laatste tijd krijgt het klassieke onderwijssysteem vaak kritiek. De druk op de leraren is groot, de inrichtende macht reageert traag op een snel veranderende markt en ondertussen gaat de kwaliteit van het onderwijs gestaag achteruit. Tegelijkertijd ontwikkelt er zich in de achtergrond een onderwijssysteem dat geen last blijkt te hebben van deze drempels. Wat in de makerwereld begon met programmeren en hacken, breidde al snel uit tot een educatief laboratorium dat steeds meer raakvelden vindt met het klassieke onderwijs.

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Is our traditional schooling system soon to be side-lined?

Written by Lizzy Van Lysebeth 

Our current traditional schooling system has taken quite some heat lately. The pressure on teachers is great, the department of education reacts slowly to a changing market and personalized education does not seem to take root. In the meantime, in the background, an educational system is developing which does not seem to be cumbered by these drawbacks.  Already much more than programming and 3d printing, the maker community is devising a system soon challenging our traditional education.

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Quit social media or reduce it significantly

Something interesting I saw

So if you think checking your social media accounts regularly is harmless you might want to think again. Apart from the fact social media is manipulating you in a number of ways, defragmentation of your attention is actually harmful for your brain and makes you less productive. Social media companies hire attention engineers, the same engineers that optimize gambling games. They try to make your experience with social media as additive as possible in the hope you check them again and again. This addiction interrupts your task at hand constantly and impedes you to focus properly. Neurological research has shown the brain becomes less productive making you a little less smart. Check out the video below.